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Efficient and Effective Indexing Seeking Better Investor Outcomes

Jake Weaver, CFA

Jake Weaver, CFA

Head of Equity Index Management
Jake Weaver is the head of equity index management for Northern Trust Asset Management, responsible for the global equity index and tax advantaged equity portfolio management teams. He is also the chair of the Northern Trust Proxy Committee and a member of the Asset Management Risk Committee and Sustainable Investment Council.

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By seeking to minimize risk and maximize liquidity, our intelligent indexing is designed to help investors closely track to their goals and objectives.

Intelligent indexing refers to the skill it takes to manage index strategies effectively and cost efficiently so that investors can achieve their desired outcomes. Our integrated global platform is backed by significant scale, range and infrastructure.

A Global Leader in Equity Indexing


Our Advantages

Our investment philosophy and objective are executed through our three-faceted Intelligent Indexing® approach. A dynamic investment process, centered on efficiency, is designed to avoid unintended exposures, cost and tax implications.


Portfolio Construction Objectives

  • Minimize active risk
  • Maximize liquidity
  • Address the trade-off between active risk and transaction costs


  • Manage market impact of trading
  • Research ongoing index events
  • Utilize integrated technology

Multi-dimensional Risk Controls

  • Monitor portfolio daily
  • Conduct both pre- and post-trade compliance
  • Oversee performance on a continuing basis


Global Index Capabilities

Unless otherwise noted, rankings appeared in "Special Report on the Largest Money Managers," P&I 6/6/2022. Ranking based on total worldwide AUM of $1.3T as of 12/31/2021.

$677.4BNTAM Equity Index - Assets Under Management*

5thLargest Equity Index Manager in U.S. and Non-U.S.**

*As of September 30, 2023
**Total worldwide assets under management. Rankings are calculated based on 444 investment management firms responding to P&I’s online questionnaire. To qualify for inclusion in the rankings, each firm must manage assets for U.S. institutional tax-exempt clients, such as quali­fied retirement plans, endowments or foundations, and answer the minimum required questions. The above rankings are not indicative of future performance.


Important Information

Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A. Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Products and services provided by subsidiaries of Northern Trust Corporation may vary in different markets and are offered in accordance with local regulation. For more information, read our legal and regulatory information about individual market offices.

Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc., Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K., NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC, Belvedere Advisors LLC, Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd, and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.

The Northern Trust Company holds Australian Financial Services Licence (“AFSL”) No. 314970 ARBN 126 279 918 issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Pursuant to current ASIC Class Order/transitional relief, Northern Trust Global Investments Limited (“NTGIL”) ARBN 601 851 594 is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL under the Corporations Act. NTGIL is authorised and regulated by the FCA under UK laws, which differ from Australian laws. Similarly, pursuant to current ASIC Class Order/transitional relief, The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited (“TNTCHK”) ARBN 601 850 891 is also exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL under the Corporations Act. TNTCHK is authorized and regulated by the SFC under Hong Kong laws, which differ from Australian laws. For investors in Australia, material on this website is directed to and should only be accessed by wholesale and professional investors within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and is not intended for retail clients. For investors in New Zealand, this material is directed to and should only be accessed by registered financial service providers and is not intended for retail clients.