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Asset Servicing Expert

Amy Thorne

Head of Integrated Trading Solutions, EMEA - Northern Trust Capital Markets

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Expert profile image of Amy Thorne, Head of Integrated Trading Solutions, EMEA - Northern Trust Capital Markets -

Amy leads the Integrated Trading Solutions (ITS) team, Northern Trust’s institutional outsourced brokerage business in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. Prior to assuming this role Amy was a senior relationship manager for ITS.

In this role, Amy provides leadership and guidance to the planning, organisation and direction of the business, managing interactions with existing and prospective clients as well as overseeing the relationship management team.

Prior to Northern Trust, Amy was Chief Operating Officer at Mobius Capital Partners LLP, an emerging and frontier market investment management firm.  As first employee, Amy was responsible for building out the firm’s operational and compliance infrastructure, managing all outsourced providers, and a key participant in strategic business decisions.

Amy’s career in financial services began at Mariner Investment Group LLC in 2009, setting up and managing the London office.  Amy holds the Investment Management Certificate (Level 4).